5 plans of attack: How payers can succeed facing new CMS rules in 2025 – and beyond

5 plans of attack: How payers can succeed facing new CMS rules in 2025 – and beyond

The FDA’s approval of a nasal mist flu vaccine for at-home use represents more than just a convenient alternative to the traditional flu shot — it marks a significant shift in healthcare delivery, moving toward a decentralized model where patients can self-administer care from the comfort of their own homes.  

Lirio Establishes the Value of a Primary Care Visit for Patients with Diabetes to Health Systems

Lirio Establishes the Value of a Primary Care Visit for Patients with Diabetes to Health Systems

Diabetes is associated with significant long-term costs for both patients and health systems. Regular primary care visits aligned with American Diabetes Association guidelines could help mitigate those costs while generating near-term revenue for health systems. Digital interventions prompting primary care visits among unengaged patients could provide significant economic value back to the health system as well as individual patients, but only few economic models have been put forth to understand this value. Lirio’s model has been published in JMIR Formative.