E. Susanne Blazek, Ph.D. | Feb 22, 2022 | Blog, Closing Gaps in Care
Behavioral interventions targeting vaccine adoption, which we designed for a Louisiana health system, have implications for any behavioral intervention aimed at improving and sustaining health behaviors. I recently had the opportunity to share the lessons we learned at a meeting of the Virginia chapter of HIMSS.
Lirio | Aug 27, 2021 | Artificial Intelligence, Blog, Digital Health
Each year, the HIMSS Global Health Conference provides opportunities for healthcare leaders to come together and have meaningful conversations about the state of the industry and the role of technology in improving healthcare delivery and outcomes. Learn about three key healthtech trends we took away from HIMSS21.
Lirio | Jul 22, 2021 | Blog, Digital Health
Lirio will host two days of in-booth sessions during the event, featuring experts from our AI and behavioral science teams, and we look forward to meeting with healthcare executives from around the country to discuss the biggest challenges and opportunities they’re facing.