Lirio | Sep 3, 2020 |
Transformative digital health is well-anticipated but falls short in delivering scalable behavior change. The key to elevating digital health and healthcare more broadly is giving a single consumer a message that overcomes her unique barriers to action at her right time and via her preferred medium.
Lirio | Aug 21, 2020 | Blog, Closing Gaps in Care, Consumer Acquisition & Engagement
Healthcare is up and running again, but not all patients are coming through the door. During the spring’s initial surge of COVID-19 cases, patients were advised to postpone annual exams and screenings until the spread of COVID-19 slowed down. Although healthcare...
Lirio | Aug 7, 2020 | Blog, Closing Gaps in Care, Condition Management, Consumer Satisfaction & Loyalty
With so many stressors associated with living and working in a time of COVID-19, employers are paying even more attention to the mental health of their employees. A Kaiser Family Foundation study supports this concern, citing the four in ten U.S. adults that...
Patrick Hunt | Jul 28, 2020 | Blog, Closing Gaps in Care, Consumer Acquisition & Engagement
In early May, in the wake of the first surge of COVID-19 cases, hospitals across the country began to open back up. Elective surgeries that had been delayed could now be rescheduled. Critical routine checkups could once again become routine. The return to healthcare...
Christopher Symons, Ph.D. and Clayton Webster, Ph.D. | Jul 1, 2020 | Artificial Intelligence, Blog, Digital Health
Lirio’s AI Research team recently developed a novel adaptive stochastic gradient-free (ASGF) approach for solving some of the most difficult optimization challenges in machine learning. This innovative optimization algorithm, which is simple to implement and does not...