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Boosting COVID-19 Vaccination Rates with Behavioral Science

With the “vaccine eager” segment of the population largely vaccinated, COVID-19 vaccination rates in the United States have dropped precipitously. Motivating more people to get vaccinated is necessary to reach herd immunity but has proved difficult. We have seen a variety of strategies, ranging from the financial to the indulgent, but are they working? The key is to understand how people make decisions and the often-subconscious factors driving them.

Join Lirio’s Chief Evangelist, Patrick Hunt, as he welcomes members of the company’s behavioral design team to discuss insights and opportunities to leverage principles of behavioral science to move people to get vaccinated. Patrick will be joined by Greg Stielstra, Senior Behavioral Design Director, and Behavioral Designers Sarah Delaney and Ashley West for a lively and informative discussion on what’s working, what we can learn from current events, and how to boost COVID-19 vaccination rates using behavioral science.

Watch the Webinar